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Talent project and skills

How to add new projects and skills to your Notchup Profile!

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Written by Notchup
Updated over 7 months ago

Adding projects and skills to your profile

Do you want to add more projects or skills to your profile? You can very well do so with the help of the EDIT option available on your profile page.

As a tech talent, you may constantly update your skill sets or finish projects that can add more value to your profile. You can add these newly acquired skills and finished projects to your profile to make it all the more valuable. Here is how!

Step: 1

Go to your dashboard and click on the EDIT tab on your profile, at the top right-hand corner of the page, as shown:

CodeMonk dashboard showing recommended jobs

Step: 2

When the profile page opens up, you can individually change/edit values and skills and add new projects to your profile.

Add Project form

Edit values

Alternatively, you can directly add a project to your profile by clicking on the relevant tab at the top right corner. Yes, if you are working on a project with Notchup and would like to add the project to your profile.

Project details tab and open job roles for project

So, have you completed a recent project or acquired a new skill set? Go on and add to your profile to enhance its visibility further!

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