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Scheduling interview

Select a suitable candidate for the job from the recommendations or the applications you receive from the talents.

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Written by Notchup
Updated over 7 months ago

Setting up an Interview with the Tech Talent

Have you posted a job brief for a project? Then you can select a suitable candidate for the job from the recommendations or the applications you receive from the talents.

If you have done that already and have shortlisted the candidates, you can start scheduling the interviews with them.

Here is how you can schedule an interview-

Click on the selected candidate on the list of applicants or recommendations. From there, click 'Interview the candidate.' You can choose 3 convenient time slots for the interview.

Interview status - requested by employer

Once the candidates accept and pick a slot, you can see the schedule as below:

Interview status - accepted by employee

The screen will directly take you to the 'teams' meet at the scheduled hour to conduct your interview directly from the platform. You can then leave a feedback after conducting the interview, and move on to the next slot for interviewing other candidates selected for the round.

Interview done

Interview result and feedback

Once you have interviewed the candidates, they will appear under the tab "Interviewed" on the job details page.

Interviewed and rejected candidates

You can then hire a candidate from the list of interviewed ones or search for more using the search option. Talents on Notchup are already vetted and verified. While you can set up individual skill tests or further interactions, talents prefer a quick onboarding to begin their work on your project.

When you hire a candidate, they will appear under the 'hired' tab, as shown below:

Job description and applications received for it

All talents, both hired and rejected, get notified about the results. You can start onboarding the candidates and archive the job after the hiring process is complete.

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