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Complete your profile

A quick look at how to complete your profile on Notchup platform

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Written by Notchup
Updated over 7 months ago

How to complete your profile on Notchup

Have you registered as a 'Talent' on the Notchup platform?

Then it's time you start updating your profile to get noticed! Let's get started!

Profile updating is a mandatory process to complete before you can apply for a job or join a team through Notchup. There are seven steps to complete, and they are pretty simple. Here is a look at the initial three steps to kick-start your profile completion process:

Step - 1: About You

This step is 'all about you! Fill in your personal details, such as your name, contact, role, and other relevant information, to process your profile. Complete your social profile links, and select language preference. Recheck to confirm the information.

Upload your picture according to the specifications before moving on to the next steps.

Talent about you form

Step - 2: Qualification

The second step takes care of your qualifications and certifications. Check and add/edit to make sure you have everything in place. Also, double-check your college/university logos and those on your certifications. The same applies to the job profiles, too, the next step of the process.

Adding qualification details form for talent

Step - 3: Experience

The next step is professional experience. Add all your professional experiences and certifications. Cross-check the logos on professional experiences (organizations) to confirm if they are correct. The logos auto-upload when you enter the name of the organizations/certifications. Check before proceeding to the next steps. Having at least one entry on the experience page is mandatory to complete your profile.

Add experience tab

Add experience form for talent

If you have completed the first three steps, you can move on to fill in the following steps on the profile page. Ensure that you have everything filled and all set before moving on to fill-in your projects and preferences.

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