For talent details you can check the talent details page for complete information on the individual employees.
Since teams are made up of four or more technical talents, Notchup makes a detailed page about each team member to help employers decide who to hire.
What can you see on the Teams detail page?
If you want to hire a team on Notchup, you can check all the details about the team before hiring. Other than the short summary on the team details page, Notchup provides details about the following:
Team Composition
Notchup makes a graph showing how all team members' skills fit together. The graph can provide you with an overview of the skills of the team members, giving you a fair idea of their collective skill sets.
Previous projects
You can look at previous projects and assignments that the team worked on to see if they meet your needs.
Estimated Cost
The platform will estimate the cost of hiring the team for an hour, a day, or a month.
Industry Expertise
An employer always welcomes industry-specific expertise. The dashboard's industry expertise displays their previous market experiences.
Team working style
A mapping of the exact working styles of the team members can help in deciding the
Reviews of previous clients
Reviews can help you figure out if the team is relevant to your projects and if they are suitable for them.
You can also check the languages the team members speak and their fundamental values on the team details page.
All set to hire a team from Notchup? Remember to check the comprehensive team details page to make an informed choice!